Sunday, September 28, 2014

Nolan: Month Won

Why "Month Won?" 
Because we've made it a whole entire month with a tiny one in our midst and that, in my book, is one heck of a win.

I have never felt more alive and yet more exhausted (simultaneously) in my whole life. 

Welcome to the family, sweet Baby Boy. 
I take pictures of hardly anyone else. 

The past 4+ weeks have been a whirlwind. My husband is a champ. Our baby is a champ. And each day presents itself with grace upon grace and learning opportunity upon learning opportunity for this mommy. I've stopped believing the lie that we'll ever have this parenting thing totally figured out. And strive to believe what so many keep telling me: each stage is only temporary. There is no such thing as "normal." One day I'll long for pieces of the past that, at the time, I was wishing away because it was "hard" or "inconvenient." Oh yeah...and remember to give yourself grace. 
Kevin and I have learned that we (literally) can't do this on our own. We desperately need Jesus to intervene. All day. Every single day. The best part? He totally does.

And to my husband: 
Babe, there is no one else I'd rather do this whole parenting thing with than you. Absolutely no one. It's hard. It's scary. It's vulnerable. But it's also funny. And wonderful. And reviving. And I hope you never get tired of hearing me tell you just how incredible of a dad you are. It just comes out as the overflow of the joy that's in my heart when I see it playing out right before my eyes time and time again. Call me biased, but I hope Nolan grows up to be just like you.

I have so much to share and so much that I want to remember. 
More about the delivery day and the days that immediately followed are coming up in the near future.
For now, I'll focus on Nolan's first month of life and (just for kicks and giggles) his "likes" and "like-nots." 

Your Likes:
Paci. There's no shame in how often we pop that thing in your mouth. It's love, people.
Pooping, peeing, and farting too. He'll kill me one day for putting this.
Car/stroller rides. You love being in your carseat.
Eating. Nursing didn't come easy for us. But by golly, I think we've got it.
Storytime. You love the sound of Dad's voice and looking at the pictures.
Swaddling. We thought you had to keep your arms out and free. But (as of yesterday) it turns out you WILL let us tuck your arms in there too :).
Noise. Absolute quiet drives you crazy. Thank goodness for sound machine apps!
Getting out of the house. We'll go out to eat, take walks around the neighborhood, hang out with our Village Group, watch Sunday evening kickball games, and volleyball...
Mommy & Daddy. We like to think so.

Your Like-Nots:
Hiccups. Bless your heart. They frustrate you. And you get them almost every day and at the worst times (aka bedtime).
Silence. You sleep best to white noise and amongst commotion and people talking. Love you for that!

Other tid-bits:
You've been able to steadily hold your head up since day two. None of that bobble head stuff. AMAZING.
We affectionately call you "monkey," "tiger," or "piggy" depending on the noise you make :).
You rolled from your tummy to your back at just over three weeks of age. You've done that twice now.
You slept in your crib in the nursery for the first time this past week!

You have brought more joy and adventure to our lives. We hope you know already just how much we adore you. Lord, help us love this little boy like You do.

Happy One Month, Nolan.
Thanks for bearing with us :).