Friday, October 9, 2015

Madrac Farms

We went to a pumpkin patch yesterday!

I hang out with a group of incredible women on Thursdays. It's become a super important and special part of my week. Some weeks we just hang and drink coffee at each others' homes and other weeks we get adventurous. Coffee shop, lunch, long walks, the park, story time at the library, pumpkinnn patchesss.

Fall weather hasn't truly settled in here yet, so it was toasty. Like if we weren't in the shade, summertime toasty. But we picnicked, hay-rode, slid, fed goats, and picked out the perfect pumpkin because it IS Fall and Fall needs to be celebrated.

Next time I'll remember to take my camera, but I'm not sad about what I was able to capture with my trusty phone!

And then we came home, and I took pictures of Nolan playing with his pumpkin.
And I'm that mom who can't choose just one.