Saturday, May 21, 2016

"Rock, rock?"

A post just for me.
Simply because I want to remember...

Ok, so I just finished putting Nolan to bed.
Rewind to like 25 minutes ago.

Kev is away for work. He's in Geneva, Switzerland to be exact. And while I truly LOVE that he gets to travel because it often leads to him getting to see and experience places that otherwise might be once-in-a-lifetime opportunities, we miss him. I always miss him. Especially at night when I put Nolan to bed, and then even more so later when I'm trying to fall asleep. 
I just really like him a lot.

I literally got off the phone with him not too long ago apologizing because I had just finished crying in his ear. Even talking about our bedtime routine without him here makes me teary. It's like my "miss him" emotions are amped as a lay N down in his crib. Sheesh.

Well tonight was different. And that's why I'm blogging about it. It's like N knows it makes me sad. He was snuggled on the couch right next to me while I was talking to Kev. Then after we hung up, I told N it was time to go night night, so we told all of his toys and shoes "Night, night." <-- you read that right, and I love it. We read a few books, and then, like always, I kissed him, hugged him, and put him in his crib. Nolan has never been one of those kids who needs to be rocked to sleep. He's [always] practically rushing us through the bedtime stories so that he can go to sleep. The kid loves his sleep and has never needed our reassurance to do it well. He's always been very independent in that way. But tonight was different. I put him in his crib. He was standing up like he always does, but instead of the usual "Night, night. I love you" from him came, "Momma?" I said, "Yes baby?" And he so sweetly whined and reached his hands up for me to pick him up. So I did, thinking he wanted another kiss or hug or something. But he pointed at the rocking chair and said, "Rock, rock?" I was surprised but sat down anyway and rocked him. He immediately laid his head on my shoulder and we rocked. And rocked. And rocked. I cried. It was the best. It wasn't my reassurance he needed. I needed his. And he knew it.

It was simply the best. And I want to remember it forever.

Nolan, I will always have time to "rock, rock."
Daddy, hurry home.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Thursday Gal Zoo Trip

We meet practically every Thursday throughout the year and have been for quite some time now. We all just providentially found each other and have been hanging ever since! New friends have joined us along the way, and as a stay-at-home-mom, hanging with these ladies (and kiddos) is something I look forward to week after week. While this rhythm has most definitely become a consistent play date for our kids, I've personally come to view it (and LOVE it) as much more than that. It's a few consistent hours each week (often more) that I get to connect with ladies in the same season I'm in. In the thick of the same struggles I'm in. Struggles I face as a mom. As a wife. As a human being. We're all different and yet SO much the same: Not one of us claims to have our entire act together, and we love our kids with EVERYthing we've got. I truly admire my many girlfriends in their seasons of mommyhood, including those that I hang with on Thursdays. I have never felt like less of a mom when I'm around them. Only inspired, encouraged, and loved.
The bond I have with these "Thursday Gals" (our unofficial name for ourselves) is something I treasure on Thursdays and beyond. 
I'm pretty sure our primary bond is because of our love for coffee.
It's just a certain kind of special, you know?
Girls. Love you, mean it.

A handful of us took the plunge and ventured farther than ever so far.
Here are some pictures from our trip to the Jacksonville Zoo last week!
(Note: about half of the group didn't go, and they were SO missed!)

The carpool crew. We made it!

Ashley, our beautiful guide

Carmen and Meg and their crew!

Here we go!

Eiley Beth (aka Ebae)

Love this one of Sellers and McClain

Finley and Rowan


Coen and his precious smile

Ohhh these two

Sometimes you run into long-time friends in line to feed the giraffe! So great seeing you, Laura and Adam!

Fed my favorite animal. Bucket list check-off complete!