Not much about my pregnancy and our process with Baby #2 has been like that of Nolan, and I love it. We've just gone about things a little bit differently along the way because this baby is different, the context is different, and it has just come naturally for us to go about things in a unique way this time around. What I didn't expect to do differently, however, was how and when we found out the gender. Originally, we had planned on finding out the gender at our 19-week ultrasound. Nothing crazy or special, we had just planned on looking to see what it was! And then we were going to hit a powder-filled, gender-revealing baseball later on (a special thank you to our neighbor, Barbara, for the super fun idea!), video it, and send that out to family and friends.
I'm incredibly thankful for a sweet friend (shout out to you, Ashley!) who convinced us to wait and let hitting the baseball reveal the gender to us too! But, y'all, that was the longest day and a half EVER. How do people not find out at all?! You guys are my heroes.
Once again, our AMAZING friends and neighbors came through for us and played a significant role in capturing such a special evening. I had given the envelope containing the ultrasound picture and gender to Megan for safe-keeping, along with the baseballs, so that she could take a peek and bring the appropriate baseball for us to bust. Meg rocked the video camera while Craig nailed it with his photo-taking skills.
So grateful for y'all, Spinks fam!
Our hope was that Nolan would hit the baseball off of the tee, busting it to reveal the appropriately colored powder, but that baseball was a stinker and proved to be really difficult for him to break. We even have a video of his first go at it, and it just added to the suspense of it all. By the time we decided to have Kev help Nolan hit the ball with a metal bat, Nolan was done and a bit tired of all of the attention and hype (SO him).
So, Nolan and I were bystanders while Daddy stepped in to help.
I LOVE the way the reveal turned out.
IT'S A...
Stud. |
What a grace this baby boy has already been to my soul, and I haven't even met him yet! God works in the most unexpected ways sometimes, and I have zero doubt in my heart and mind that this baby boy is such a beautiful glimpse of his handiwork and purpose for us.
I can't wait to embrace this next season with my boys.