Thursday, May 28, 2015

Nolan: Month Nine


Reaching this month just feels like an extra big deal, doesn't it?

A sweet friend told me today that now that you've hit that 9-month mark, I'll blink and you'll be one year old.

Let's celebrate what a wild month this has been:

We formally and publicly dedicated you before our church and family, promising to raise you in a home that loves Jesus. Oh how we want you to know Jesus.

We celebrated the fact that you made me a mom with my first Mother's Day ever.

You started crawling last week and haven't slowed down in any way whatsoever since.

You're pulling up on things to stand.

When we say "Give me that paci," you'll spit it out.

There's a new front tooth upstairs.

We introduced you to some finger foods, and you're starting to get the hang of it.

You love:
when Daddy comes home from work

playing in your swimming pool

light switches and turning lights off


playing at the park

sand and water and dirt and grass and...

swinging and spinning in your bouncy swing that hangs in the doorway

watching the Very Hungry Caterpillar on Netflix

rice puffs

Nolan, you seriously love life, and apparently I love taking pictures of it.
Sorry not sorry :).

I still love being home with you. There's no place else I'd rather be. You are the craziest, funnest little human with a sweet and tender heart that steals ours more every day.

Happy nine months, N!

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