Monday, March 17, 2014

Spring Break: An Orlando Getaway

My husband plans the best vacations. Big, small, and everywhere in between. I'm so thankful I married a planner. A last-minute planner at times (right, babe?) but still the best one I know. I tend to lean more towards going with the flow. A "we'll figure it out when we get there" kind of mindset. While fun at times, it's not always the most practical way of simultaneously enjoying and embarking on a fun getaway.

Que Kevin's phenomenal planning skills: 

We hit the road bound for Orlando, FL on Thursday morning. We made a slight detour (well worth the hour or so out of the way) to DeLeon Springs, FL and ate at the adorably delicious Old Spanish Sugar Mill. Located on the grounds of the DeLeon Springs State Park, it was the perfect pit stop to stretch our legs and fill our bellies. The short trail we walked was simply beautiful and the pancakes (made by you at your own table) were heavenly. The crystal clear natural springs accompanied with the picture perfect weather topped off the stop.

We made it to our beautiful resort in Orlando at almost 5:00 p.m. We hit some nasty traffic along the way.

I snapped this photo of our two-night home away from home:

After changing clothes super quickly, we made it, with plenty of time to spare, to our next destination.

 The show was called "La Nouba" which, in French, translates to "The Party." And a party it was! We had such a blast! We grabbed dinner close by at House of Blues before heading back to the hotel to crash for the night.

Anyone who's anyone knows that the Braves' Spring Training takes place in Orlando. guessed it.

Our first Braves game as a family of three! Well...sort of.
Side note: Lawn seats are where it's at.

A "W" for the books, a delicious hot dog with all the fixin's, chocolate and vanilla swirl soft serve, and a giant Coke later...
I'd say it was a good day!

We spent the rest of our evening exploring our resort. 
Our night went a little something like this:

We've been asked if this counts as our "babymoon." We'd like to think that another fun trip is in our future before the babe joins us. So we'll call this our "pre- pre-baby" trip. 

Thank you, Kev, for the memories!
I just love you more and more.

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